To all I would like to say, Happy Thanksgiving.
Let’s break that down.
Happy is not a carefree state of mind filled with pretty unicorns floating over a colorful rainbow. True happiness is something that happens when we develop a state of life that accepts that life is made of moments of gladness, sadness, prosperity, decline, resilience. And, within that state of life, is a deeper confidence in, and appreciation of, ourselves. Within that state of life, there is grace for our mistakes, which leads to compassion for others. It’s a pretty decent feel-good kind of situation. So, I wish you: Happy.
Thanks is an expression of appreciation. Thanks is an acknowledgement that someone or something has really been helpful and supportive. Thank you allows you’re welcome. Which is a beautiful and complete loop for humans to exchange. Some deep relationship wounds and misunderstandings begin healing in completing the loop of a single point of appreciation followed by a single acknowledgment of positive intent. So, I wish you: Thanks, as a mindset.
Giving. This beautiful inclination to share, which includes both giving and receiving. This is where the story started, as people in a world ecosystem with a sense of reciprocity. Yet we seem as a people to have interrupted a natural flow of giving and receiving, especially when it comes to a relationship with our earth.
We have conditioned ideas about giving depending upon the families and cultures and societies in which we grow/grew up. Some give money to seek love. Some give harshness in order to build strength in their children or employees. There are a million variations on conditioned ideas of giving. Yet, we know: Love, even done clumsily, builds love. Compassion and shared wisdom creates strength and creativity. So, I wish you: Giving, as you define it.
Each of us is a work in progress. And rarely have we seen this as clearly as we see it in the year 2020.
I wish you your authentic Happy, Thanks, and Giving.